Saturday 25 February 2012

Need to know info about Mozambique

Mozambique is located in southeastern Africa and is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west and Swaziland and South Africa to the southwest.

Mozambique is becoming the place to go to as more people discover its stunning beaches, excellent diving and magical offshore islands. There are many types of activities you can do in this beautiful African country, including snorkelling around the Bazaruto Archipelago, sailing on a dhow through mangrove channels or lazing under the palms in the Quirimbas Archipelago. A popular sightseeing trip for tourists is to take an off-beat safari in the wilds of Gorongosa National Park and, of course, being Africa, you can do an infinite variety of wildlife safaris.
The Ilha de Moçambique, (Mozambique Island) is not to be missed. It's the former capital of Portuguese East Africa and is truly unique in atmosphere and environment. You can wander along cobbled streets past stately colonial-era buildings, drink a café espresso at one of Maputo’s lively sidewalk cafés or have a drink at a jazz bar. There is a 3.5 km causeway connecting the Island with the mainland and transport between the two is reasonably frequent. Chapas and buses take you to the southern tip of the island, from where it’s a short walk north through the makuti (reed) town to the old colonial stone town.
Our projects are located in Vilanculos (also spelt Vilankulo) which is based in the Inhambane province of Mozambique. Vilanculos is a coastal paradise, rich in culture, but with a rural, rustic feel.The main attractions are their endless white sandy beaches and beautiful coral reefs. It is a haven of tranquillity and an ideal location for snorkelling and scuba diving. Divers have witnessed humpback and bottlenose dolphins, humpback whales, marine turtles and many large fish such as barracudas and marlins.

Vilanculous is also home to the coastal wildlife sanctuary; the reserve covers 25000 ha of land and sea and is ranked one of the top biodiversity hotspots in Africa. The reserve consists of a variety of coral reefs, swamps, savannah and wetlands.

There are plenty of activities going on in the local area such as sailing, horse riding, snorkelling, diving and deep-sea fishing. For those who want to immerse themselves in the local culture, a spot of shopping for local hand-made crafts at the markets will go down a treat!
is the capital of Mozambique and is renowned as one of the mot beautiful capital cities in Africa. It's a coastal city with Mediterranean-style architecture influenced by its history with Portugal. It's a lovely city to meander in down flame-tree-lined avenues and a great way to pass the time of day is to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch the world go by. Men dressed in Jellabas congregate in doorways to chat and women dressed in very colourful clothes sell spices at the massive Municipal Market. The aromas of the spices and the bananas stacked on carts in the shade assault the senses and you really know you are in Africa!
Maputo has a lot to offer in the way of museums, shops and markets, and you should definitely make sure you spend some time here - you'll love it. 

Gorongosa National Parkoffers something for everyone interested in African wildlife and spectacular scenery. There are lions, elephants, buffalos, and many kinds of antelope, with frequent sightings of sable, impala, oribi, bushbuck, reedbuck, kudu, nyala, waterbuck, and (less frequently) zebra, hartebeest and eland. Lake Urema and its waterways support healthy populations of crocodiles and hippos.The park’s birdlife is fantastic! About 400 species have been sighted in recent years. Many are endemics or near-endemics prized by birders. The Green-headed Oriole, for example, is found in southern Africa only on Mount Gorongosa, and the Moustached Warbler has been sighted at Chitengo and on the mountain.
  • Full name: The Republic of Mozambique
  • Population: 22.9 million (via UN, 2009)
  • Capital: Maputo
  • Area: 812,379 sq km (313,661 sq miles)
  • Major languages: Portuguese (official), Makua-Lomwe, Swahili, other indigenous languages
  • Major religions: Christianity, indigenous beliefs, Islam
  • Life expectancy: 47 years (men), 49 years (women) (UN)
  • Monetary unit: 1 metical (plural meticais) = 100 centavos
  • Main exports: Seafood, cotton
  • GNI per capita: US $370 (World Bank, 2008)
  • Internet domain: .mz
  • International dialling code: +258

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