Tuesday 10 April 2012

Loving Africa by Jana Fourie: Volunteer safaris in the Kruger Park

Loving Africa by Jana Fourie: Volunteer safaris in the Kruger Park: Volunteer work in South Africa. Scheduled volunteer safaris We have two scheduled 10 day volunteer safaris every month. These depart o...

Volunteer safaris in the Kruger Park

Volunteer work in South Africa. Scheduled volunteer safaris
We have two scheduled 10 day volunteer safaris every month. These depart on the 3rd day and the 17th day of every month.  So the safaris will take place from the 3rd to the 12th inclusive and the 17th to the 26th inclusive.
Non-scheduled Safaris for volunteer work and volunteer safaris in South Africa
Non-scheduled volunteer safaris can be designed to suit individual groups. These may take place as follows:
  • Minimum number of volunteers is six for volunteer work
  • Minimum number of days is eight, of which four are spent doing volunteer work on the volunteer safaris
These volunteer safaris in South Africa can be arranged to depart on any day of the month.
Tariffs on request.
DAY ONE : Collection from Johannesburg Airport or hotel/hostel and transfer to Tremisana Game Lodge in time for our Sunset Drive on open Landcruisers. Use spotlights to identify nocturnal species. Transfer to the Cheetah Inn for dinner and overnight.
DAY TWO : Orientation at Cheetah Inn. After breakfast, we are transferred to nearby Acornhoek, where we are introduced to the staff and community at the project at which we shall be assisting. We shall commence our volunteer work – be it building, painting, planting, teaching or other outreach activity. A packed lunch is provided. Dinner and overnight at Cheetah Inn.
DAY THREE : Drive to the project and continue with block-making/ painting/ planting, teaching or other outreach activity. Dinner and overnight at Cheetah Inn
DAY FOUR :Full day in Kruger Park on Viva Safaris open vehicles. You will have a fantastic opportunity to view the Big Five in this exceptional wildlife paradise. Our specialist guide will share his knowledge of the numerous animals and birds that frequent Kruger.
Lion in the Kruger National Park
DAY FIVE : Early morning Bush Walk with our armed ranger. Relax around the pool, play minigolf or volleyball. Afternoon visit to Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre. You will meet up with orphaned and injured animals and learn a great deal about conservation.
DAY SIX : Transfer to your project, where we continue building walls or continue painting or other activity.
DAY SEVEN : Transfer to the project where we continue to build / paint/ plant or do other volunteer work.
DAY EIGHT : Adventure fun day to remember. We are driven to a centre that offers us white-water rafting, high ropes courses and quadbiking.
DAY NINE : We complete our outreach work. After lunch we have an official handover of completed new room to the school or parish.
DAY TEN : Return to Johannesburg. On the way we visit the Blyde River Canyon and the Three Rondawels viewpoint. Airport/ hostel/hotel dropoff by 17h00.
Notes :
The above program is negotiable, but we suggest that it be adhered to as closely as possible. Our tariff includes all breakfasts and dinners; all transfers and all activities. Packed lunches are supplied for you from days two to nine inclusive.You will spent all your nights at Cheetah Inn if you do not sleep atCheetah Inn we will inform you.
You will need money for lunches on days one and ten. In addition, you may want to buy drinks, curios and other personal items.
Accommodation is on a sharing ( generally two per room ) basis.
TARIFF PER PERSON is calculated at US $80 per day, so the 10 day safari will cost US $800.

Volunteer Projects

At this point, we have identified four projects that will benefit from volunteer work.
These are :
The projects have been selected so as to offer volunteers with different skills the opportunity to help these deserving people. Not every volunteer may be physically strong enough to take part in building operations, so we have provided alternative activities. Please read about these activities under each of the project links.
The projects have been chosen with two criteria in mind :
Urgency of needs and safety of our volunteers:
We had personal contacts with each project through various previous involvements with each of the principals of the establishments. We have personally been to the schools and parish and have first-hand knowledge of the situation in all four projects. While there are many more potential projects in Acornhoek, indeed all over South Africa, we have selected these projects because we know that the needs are urgent. Once these needs have been satisfied, we may well include additional worthy projects in the future.
Safety considerations for our volunteers are paramount:
We have checked out any potential trouble-spots and will be monitoring the situation constantly. All four projects are located in areas where there have been no previous security problems. Our staff will drive all volunteers to the project localities and will remain with the volunteers all day. The communities are well aware of the benefits that they are enjoying through the work of our volunteers. They will also do everything in their power to ensure that all volunteers are made to feel very welcome and that no harm befalls them.

For more info on this volunteer safari visit us on www.mufasabackpackers.com or email us on jana@mufasabackpackers.com or on juan@mufasabackpackers.com

Hope to hear from you soon
