Saturday 11 February 2012


Almost every visitor to the country will participate on a game drive at sometime or another on their Namibian holiday. The national parks, private game reserves and various conservation and rehabilitation centres are teeming with wildlife; large and small, colourful or dull, noisy and quiet. It is not uncommon on arrival at your accommodation to meet up with other tourists, who always seem to have some fantastic stories to boast about before you've even unpacked your toothbrush.
So how on earth can you match those experiences ? Your anticipation levels should always remain high, but don't be too disappointed if you don't see what the guy before you did. After all National Geographic Wild spend around 2 years producing a 1hr documentary! Chances are you'll see more than the next person. Here are some tips to help you get the most from your game drive:
Animal Sighting Books: Consulting these books (if they are available) is a good start. In Etosha National Park the rest camps at Okaukuejo, Halali and Namutoni Restcamps all have them. Hopefully visitors before you will report major observations, such as a lion at a waterhole or a leopard in a tree. Your game drive could be taken care of already.
Time of day:
  • Morning: These game drives are for those who prefer the quieter sounds and smells of the bush. At dawn, many animals can be spotted scampering around going to ground for the day. Lions will finish off their night time kill. The hazy-red sunrise and appearance of the daytime shift heralds a different sort of wildlife experience. Animals leave their overnight accommodation, sun themselves, groom each other and start to forage. In Etosha (and elsewhere) in the long, dry winter season food supplies become scarce. Predominately nocturnal species such as honey badgers, Cape foxes and bat-eared foxes extend their foraging hours. Giraffe are excellent cat spotters – staring at any danger intently. Birds such as bulbuls and starlings will mob any threat, be it an African wildcat, owl or snake.
  • The middle of the day: Some animals do remain active. Plains game drink mainly from 09h00 to 15h00. Elephants continue to graze or browse. Primates forage all day, mainly in trees. Cheetahs, the African wild dog and mongooses are often active during the heat of the day. Others choose to rest in the shade, sleep or finish off a kill. Although it is generally regarded as the most disappointing time of day to game drive, it doesn't mean to say there isn't anything in the bush worth looking out for.
  • Afternoon: The late afternoon and early evening are generally more exciting. The setting sun provides extra photographic opportunities. Big cats adore the dry season. Antelope have no option but to tip-toe nervously to a waterhole. Herds of buffalo and elephant vie for bragging rights. Submerged hippos emerge at dusk after a day in the water and trudge onto the shore.
  • Night time: Night time game drives are highly recommended. Nocturnal animals emerge. Bush babies, reedbuck, leopard, bat-eared fox, porcupine and honey badger become active. Smaller creatures like the fat mouse, small spotted cat and lesser musk shrew make an appearance. Rules and regulations often limit night game drives though. Many lodges in Etosha conduct night drives for instance on the western side of the park, Ongava Lodge while Onguma Lodge located on the eastern borders also offer an exhilarating after dark experience. Safari camps with floodlit waterholes are also worth their weight in gold. Okaukuejo, Halali and Namutoni Restcamps in Etosha National Park are excellent examples and night drives can be organized here as well. Many private game reserves in Namibia also have their own private floodlit waterholes and night game drives.
  • Be alert: Venture slowly if you are on a self-drive safari. Always look deep into the bush for movement. As every species is both prey and predator, natural camouflage plays an important role in their survival. Colours and shapes are difficult to detect in various habitats. The sounds and actions of the animal kingdom also play an important part on a game drive

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