Tuesday 14 February 2012

Kruger National Park Information

Kruger National Park is long and narrow, and is some 350 kilometres in length, and averages 54 kilometres in width – in size it equates to the countries of Wales or Israel. The Eastern border of the Park is created by the Lebombo Mountains, whilst the Southern border is created by the Crocodile River and the Northern by the Limpopo River (which is also the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe).
The Western border of the Park is formed partly by the Private Reserves which contribute to the Great Kruger Park, and private land. The Kruger National Park thus incorporates a number of geological areas, which in turn affect the vegetation of the park, and thus contribute to the incredible species diversity, not to mention scenery, of this magnificent area. Roughly speaking, the park can be sub-divided into three distinct zones, the Southern, Central, and Northern areas – each with distinct geology/ topography, vegetation, and animal life.
The Park is also criss-crossed by a number of important perennial Rivers, such as the Sabie, Olifants, Lebala, Shingwedzi, Luvuvuhu, all of which (like the Crocodile and Limpopo Rivers), flow in a West to East direction. The importance of the Rivers is reflected in the fact that three of the rest camps in the park are named for a River.

I will post a couple of kruger post so you will be able to find all you need to know!
For Kruger National Park tours please go to www.mufasabackpackers.com tours starting from R3995.00 per person or email us on juan@mufasabackpackers.com

Jana :)

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