Sunday 26 February 2012

Bushmanskloof Wilderness, Western Cape

Bushmanskloof Wilderness, lying in the northern Cederberg wilderness roughly 270 kilometres from Cape Town, is a South African Natural Heritage Site and it is not difficult to understand why it deserved this label. Not only does it form part of the Cape Floral Region, itself a world heritage site, but it is also pretty magnificent in its own right.

Bushmanskloof Wilderness, at Pakhuis Pass some 45 kilometres from Clanwilliam, is 7 500 hectares of wild life and nature reserve. It is also the site of Bushmans Kloof, a luxury retreat set in a series of thatched lodges. Bushmans Kloof is not only a sanctuary for humans to escape the doldrums of city living and to explore a thriving wilderness, but it is also a place of protection of a variety of wildlife, plant species and bird life that has made it of environmental significance. Game that includes the rare Cape mountain zebra, the bontebok, aardworlf and Cape mountain leopard have been reintroduced into the reserve. There are over 140 species of bird and an incredible diversity of plant life.

The reserve lies between the Cederberg Mountains and the plains of the Karoo, an array of ravines, waterfalls, vast landscapes and over 125 rock art sites dating back 10 000 years, in what is considered one of the world’s biggest open air galleries. There are organised game drives, and botanical and guided rock art tours. There are also river walks, hikes in the mountains, mountain biking, nature trails, and canoeing and swimming in natural rock pools.

If the need arises, there are other places to visit in the area such as the Clanwilliam Museum, the Moravian mission station of Wupperthal, the Goue Vallei and Cederberg private wine cellars, and Lambert’s Bay.

For tours to cape town visit

Jana :)

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  1. Original source for this post is
